Coronavirus (Covid 19) Notice
Cliff House Community Support Services are complying with the most recent government guidance on reducing the risk of transmitting Covid 19. Our Infection Control Policy and Procedures ensure all clients, staff and stakeholders are kept safe while still providing much needed help and support in people’s homes.
PPE is worn at all times by all staff.
Services suspended during the pandemic will re open as soon as it is safe to do so and all potential service users and staff have been fully immunised.
Who We Are
Cliff House Community Support Services (previously Age UK Knaresborough & District) started in 1997 with a mobile library service. To-day, in response to the many enquiries we have received over the years, we run a wide range of services to address the needs of frail and vulnerable older people which enables many of them to continue living independently at home for as long as possible.

Our 23 years’ experience of supporting older people has taught us that many of them who are struggling to cope at home need an intensive, multi-contact, holistic support service that addresses all their key needs in order to avoid deterioration and crisis leading to hospital admission. Liaising closely with GPs and with families (if appropriate and with clients’ agreement), we can assess and set up packages of support designed to meet individual need.
Who do we support? The majority of our clients live alone, are typically aged 50 to 100+, have one or more chronic, long term medical condition and, before our service started, were often very isolated. They are usually referred to us via healthcare or social services agencies. Having started with one service, many clients ask for additional help as needs change and they become aware of other forms of support we can provide.
Where do we operate? Our area of benefit covers the county of North Yorkshire, but at present we operate within a radius of 15 to 20 miles from Cliff House in Knaresborough.
What do we do? Our services include Advice & Care Planning; Support at Home; Shopping Services, Lunch Clubs & Day Care, Assisted Bathing (at Cliff House), Activities & Outings and Gardening. Many clients use all our services rather like a one stop shop, so they often meet support staff and volunteers in one service that have helped them in another – this all helps to develop a family-like atmosphere.
Do we charge? We fund raise and receive some support from statutory sources and grant making bodies, but we have to charge for most of our services in order to cover our costs and remain sustainable. Volunteers provide invaluable help, but most of our care is delivered by paid, trained support workers because of the complexities involved and level of commitment needed to provide support services 7 days a week.
How do volunteers help with our work? Volunteers provide invaluable help with our work in many areas according to the needs of our clients and the preferences of our volunteers - in particular they help with the running of our Lunch Clubs & Day Care, assisting clients with their shopping, working in reception, helping with admin and organising events. During the pandemic we have had to close our volunteer run charity shop.
"I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending your charity to anyone who requires a caring, professional and well administered organisation which is staffed by people who really do care and understand.”
"Thank you, thank you and thrice thank you, I wish you and the team all the love and luck in the world in your continued efforts to keep the frail and infirm independent, safe and secure in their own homes."
Support Services for Older People
Advice & Care Planning
As the world becomes more technical, many everyday issues affecting older people can become more difficult and knowing where to turn for help and future planning is a challenge.
We provide advice as well as specialist care planning support, which can be reviewed as needs change.
Our Specialist Care Planning service is a crucial element in ensuring that all the needs of older people are met.

Advice is commonly asked for in these areas:
Care and support
- Support or care?
- Help for carers
- Housing options
- How to arrange care
- Paying for care
- Problems with care
Money and legal
- Benefits and entitlements
- Debt and savings
- Income and tax
- Legal issues
- Pensions advice
- Scams and fraud
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Coronavirus guidance
- Staying safe and well at home
- What can I do to help others?
Health and wellbeing
- Medical conditions and illnesses
- Health services
- Avoiding crisis including falls
- Support and Care Services in your community
- Being active and keeping mobile
- Looking after your mind and body
- Loneliness
- Relationships and family
- Finding opportunities to socialise
- Keeping warm and well in winter
- Home safety
"Such a professional and knowledgeable service ... Thank you"
"Thank you for your expertise and medical knowledge which was invaluable to us as a family trying to wade around the NHS and social service systems."
“We were all arguing as a family about what to do with Dad and his awful memory and getting so upset … thank you for setting us all on the right path.”
Support at Home
Our Support at Home service enables frail, older people to be well supported, closely linked to their GP and other health services, their medication under control, adequate nutrition and fluid intake ensured, domestic tasks in hand, correspondence and bills sorted, family and social links strengthened and isolation and loneliness much reduced. As such, Support at Home is a key part of an intensive, multi-contact, holistic support service that addresses all older clients’ individual needs.

Liaising closely with GPs, we assess and set up packages of support designed to meet individual need. Support at Home provides daily, non-regulated (i.e. not involving “personal care”), home based support. This can be as little as one visit a week to carry out mainly domestic or secretarial tasks combined with oversight of medication compliance and other health and wellbeing checks. Support at Home can also provide up to three or four visits a day, 7 days a week – typically for clients with dementia, extreme frailty or partial sight - to carry out hydration and nutrition checks with meal preparation, to prompt medication where needed from a locked box, to help with any domestic task and correspondence; and to provide escorts to medical and other appointments and on outings.
Our clients do not need regulated care but, due to illness, disability and frailty, are often no longer able to manage some daily living tasks. We meet with clients and, where possible, their families (if appropriate and with the clients consent) to agree how best to provide support that will address all their individual needs. Monitoring and regular reviews enable support to be adjusted if necessary to meet changing needs or wishes.
Health checks include measuring blood pressure, temperature and pulse, addressing falls prevention issues and checking for constipation and urine infections - including collecting and taking urine samples to surgeries to enable antibiotic therapy, if prescribed, to be started without delay.
“Mum was eating nothing and not taking her tablets and I could see she was getting worse. That all changed the day you started looking after her.”
“I unreservedly praise and admire your team for constantly going “above and beyond” the call of duty with my Dad.”
"Without the care and support of your dedicated team and the good lines of communication we had with you, we are convinced she would have been unable to stay in her own home for as long as she did …"
“Thank you so much for sorting things at short notice and for everything else you have done in the care of Mother over the past several months. How I wish she had been allowed your help before!”
Shopping Services
Help with shopping is crucial for many frail older people who are no longer able to get to the shops themselves or to manage heavy bags of shopping. Regular and reliable arrangements for shopping to provide for dietary and all other household needs play a critical role in maintaining good physical health and reducing worries and anxiety.
Our Assisted Shopping Service can therefore be an important part of addressing the needs of older people.

Starting with a meeting, we explain how the Shopping Service works and discuss how best we may be able to help.
We can either shop for you and deliver your shopping and help you to pack away,
OR …
We can escort you to the shops, help you select the items you want to buy, carry your shopping to the car and take you home to help pack away. (We can escort people in wheelchairs and with other mobility problems).
The service can be provided on a regular, continuous basis; OR as a one off; OR from time to time, as needed.
If we are shopping for you, we are not able to buy any alcohol, cigarettes or medicines. (Sorry!)
Payment of our charges & the shopping can be by cash or cheque on the day; or we can also charge for the whole cost by invoice. We will give you a receipt for any payment you make to us on the day. Please check carefully that this is correct before we leave your home!
If the item you have asked us to buy is not available, we will agree beforehand whether we should buy something similar.
Volunteers and support staff deliver our Shopping Services. On occasions we may need to change the time we deliver your shopping, but if so we would always contact you to agree another time to suit you.
“As ever a superb service and we are happy customers!”
"I wanted to write and thank you for the shopping service that you organize. I have seen a patient to-day who benefits from this service and it has made an incredible difference to her life and her health."
Lunch Clubs and Day Care
Loneliness, isolation and boredom can particularly affect older people as they become frailer and less able to get out to socialize.
Our Lunch Clubs & Day Care offer an invaluable opportunity for older people to get out on a regular basis and to socialize with a group of like minded people in a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment and to enjoy shared activities including a home cooked and nutritious lunch. This service can play an important role in addressing the needs of older people.

Our Lunch Clubs & Day Care service provides for up to 20 people every week on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and provides a chance to meet up with a regular group of friends, who can become almost a “second family” – as some clients have referred to their group. Users can attend as many days as they wish.
Transport is available in both directions, usually by shared taxi - which can be fun in itself! Some clients may need a special wheelchair taxi or Social Services transport, which can be provided for clients who qualify with particular special needs. We help to make arrangements for whatever transport is needed.
A professional and trained Co-ordinator manages all aspects of this service each day, making sure it is well organized, safe and enjoyable for our clients.
A home cooked lunch is prepared on the day by a professional chef. Different meals can be provided to meet individual medical dietary requirements or just preferences. Specialist diets are always on offer.
Activities are run, before and after lunch. When clients arrive, they are offered toast or scones with a hot drink. So missing breakfast is never a problem! Afterwards and when everyone has arrived, clients can undertake some seated exercises led by trained staff or a volunteer. Other activities can include crafts, hobbies, quizzes and games according to what the users would like to do. During the year, school groups and other guests come frequently to sing, speak or perform.
Volunteers help to run the activities. They support the clients to move around safely and help them with any other issues relating to their frailty or disability, so that they can all join in with the activities and enjoy themselves.
Charges can be collected on the day from users or in most cases are invoiced on a monthly basis and sent to the user or to a family member who can help with this.
"Wednesdays have become the most enjoyable day of the week as I visit Cliff House for lunch with the group. This interaction has been of immense benefit in saving me from becoming withdrawn, which was happening following the medical diagnosis ..."
“… owing to a lack of social contact with others of her own age group and a loss of a perceived purpose in living, she was literally fading in front of our eyes … Since she started receiving support from you at home and particularly coming to your Day Care, the result has been spectacular!”
Assisted Bathing Service
Anyone suffering from a cognitive disorder, frailty or mobility issues, such as those following a stroke, may struggle to have a bath or shower, something most people take for granted.
Our fully enabled, easily accessible bath offers anyone who finds it difficult to get in and out of a bath safely or has lost confidence in bathing at home, the opportunity to bathe in the privacy of our warm and welcoming bathing suite in Cliff House. Assisted Bathing can therefore play an important role in addressing the needs of older people.

Assessing the suitability of the service just involves taking some basic information about a client’s needs on the telephone – for example, their need to be able to weight bear with minimal assistance from one person.
COVID safety protocols are followed with staff wearing full PPE to protect clients and the bath is washed with antiviral cleaning products after every bath.
A qualified nurse provides assistance if needed to undress, access the bath and get dressed following a nice soak.
Towels and soap are provided but clients are welcome to bring in any individual toiletries or specific treatments or creams they may need.
Hair can be washed and blow dried but no fancy hairdos!
Laundry can be done and returned at the next appointment.
Booking is done by phone or email for appointments on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Each appointment is one hour in length to allow for a relaxed environment and experience. The first appointment is 9am and the last one is 3pm. (Bookings can be made on other days if staff are available or if the client is independent or has their own carer to assist them in the bathroom).
Transport can be arranged by taxi or in a car with one of our support workers bringing bathing clients to and from Cliff House.
Light refreshments are served after the bath.
Winter or summer, a nice soak in a proper bath is a moral boosting exercise as well as beneficial to the skin.
Our charge for the service is either paid by cash or cheque on the day with a receipt issued or it can be invoiced monthly.
"I feel like a new person. I have not had a good soak for three years since my stroke."
“I am writing to thank you and all your staff for all the kindness and care shown to my Mum over the last few years. She really loved coming to the Day Centre and ... was very fond of ... the “bath lady” she saw every week at Cliff House. Thank you again, you all really made a difference to Mum’s life.”
Activities and Outings
Loneliness, isolation and boredom can particularly affect older people as they become frailer and less able to get out to socialize. Family may not live locally, friends may have moved away or passed on and older people can become almost housebound.
Activities & Outings offer an opportunity to get out, see a new place, socialize and remain a part of their community, so can play an important role in addressing the needs of older people.

We organise outings and take clients to places of interest for them, which can include museums, galleries, shopping malls, garden centres, restaurants & pubs, coastal resorts, stately homes, historic buildings, places of birth and childhood haunts. Clients may prefer to go out on their own with a support worker or go in a small group.
Charges for outings will vary according to the distances and other factors involved. Charges are calculated and confirmed in advance and payment is usually made on the day, but can be paid by invoice.
Some day activities are run at Cliff House, a comfortable and fully enabled building including a loop hearing system and an audio visual system. Activities can typically include musical events, crafts and hobbies, bridge and board games. We are always open to suggestions for other activities!
Trained support staff and volunteers take clients on outings and they ensure that they are well organized, safe and fun. Places to be visited are researched and risk assessed to check they are well suited to the needs of older people and have full disability access and facilities.
"My wife and I have enjoyed many visits to the various events you have organized over the last few years. They have been first class, each in their own way."
Gardening Service
We can now offer a gardening service! Enquiries over the years show a need for a gardening service that is regular, affordable and that can be trusted. Many older people with gardens can no longer look after them and can become quite depressed as they see their pride and joy deteriorate before their eyes. Unkempt gardens can also expose the vulnerability of someone living there.
A reliable gardening service and the regular social contact it brings can play an important role in addressing the needs and wellbeing of older people.

We visit to discuss our service and check what's needed. Once agreed, we can visit regularly to keep gardens tidy and well maintained or provide a one off clear up service.
The main tasks we can carry out are mowing lawns, trimming hedges, weeding, planting bulbs or small plants, pruning shrubs, removing rubbish and filling or sorting garden waste bins.
Our team of gardeners are police checked in the same way as all our support staff are.
All tasks are risk assessed as being safe to undertake and that our employee insurance will cover the tasks requested.
We can provide basic equipment for most jobs - gardening tools, hedge trimmers and lawnmowers. We can use your own equipment but only if we have assessed that it is safe.
COVID safety protocols are followed with staff socially distancing and wearing full PPE if needing to go indoors at any stage.
What People Say About Cliff House Community Support Services

What People Say ...
Rather than providing case histories or outcomes from our work based on our own view of any benefits we may have provided for clients, we thought it might be more informative and objective to show what clients and their families have had to say themselves about our services.
Much of the feedback received relates to more than one service that each client has been receiving. This reflects our rounded, holistic and highly personalised approach to providing support for older people, with a range of different services available to them and considerable variations possible within each service according to individual need.
From family of client with Alzheimers:
“I want to say a most huge thank you to you and all the wonderful people who have helped look after my father since his diagnosis with Alzheimer’s 4 years ago. I unreservedly praise and admire your team for constantly going 'above and beyond' the call of duty with my Dad. Thank you, thank you and thrice thank you, I wish you and the team all the love and luck in the world in your continued efforts to keep the frail and infirm independent, safe and secure in their own homes.”
From family of lady with history of mental health issues:
“Really pleased to let you know we are extremely pleased with the support Mum is getting. We highly value your professional, reliable and friendly service.”
“Your support as always is so very greatly valued.”
“As ever a superb service and we are happy customers!”
From Medical Students after a visit:
“As future medical professionals, we felt that the work that CHCSS undertakes in the community is invaluable and we look forward to working alongside them in our future careers. We discussed our visit to CHCSS with our supervising GP, who … agreed that this organization offers an invaluable service to the local community.”
From family of a frail lady with chronic medical conditions:
“Just a very few words to say thank you to you and the team for all your help setting up a superb network (home help) for my mother – the difference is wonderful.”
From family of gentleman user of our lunch clubs:
“We would like to thank you all for the help and assistance you gave my Dad during the last year. Please pass on his regards to the lunch club and especially to the support workers and volunteers.”
From family of gentleman user of our Lunch Clubs:
“Thank you so very much for all the care and attention given to my Dad during his time with you, your kindness was so appreciated.”
From family of lady using Support at Home:
“Thank you so much for sorting things at short notice and for everything else you have done in the care of Mother over the past several months. How I wish she had been allowed your help before!”
From lady needing advice:
“A note to express my sincere thanks for the kind assistance given during my telephone conversations recently. You have a wonderful team whose expertise and friendly manner provide immense support to so many in our community.”
From wife of gentleman user of our Lunch Clubs:
“I cannot praise your efforts enough for the work you do at Cliff House. Caring for my husband is only made tolerable thanks to him attending your Day Care twice a week.”
From a GP:
“I wanted to write and thank you for the shopping service that you organize. I have seen a patient to-day who benefits from this service and it has made an incredible difference to her life and her health.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home and Lunch Clubs:
"A year ago my mother in law began to lose her memory and gradually became depressed owing to a lack of social contact with others of her own age group and a loss of a perceived purpose in living, she was literally fading in front of our eyes …
Since she started receiving support from you at home and particularly coming to your Day Care, the result has been spectacular! She sings the praises of the centre and your lady who drives her there every week. Even more amazingly, she has discovered a new purpose in living …. We have seen a remarkable change in her attitude to life, her outlook on the future and specifically we’ve noticed how much happier she’s become. Her appetite has improved and she has put some weight on again. We thank you for the devoted care you gave our mother over the two years when her mental health was failing with dementia and memory loss affecting her life more and more. Without the care and support of your dedicated team and the good lines of communication we had with you, we are convinced she would have been unable to stay in her own home for as long as she did …..
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for all you did and the many extra miles you went. We hope you can share our story with others to promote your good work in our community …
From lady user of Support at Home:
“Thank you very much for everything. I don’t feel so alone knowing I now have help”.
From family of lady user of Support at Home, Lunch Clubs, Bathing Service & Shopping Service:
“When my mother was diagnosed with dementia, this caused a substantial problem as we were based 50 miles away … we were very fortunate to find Age UK Knaresborough ((now CHCSS)). Your wonderful organization has proved to be invaluable to us in helping to care for my mother.
Absolutely nothing has been too much trouble, with carers visiting Mum several times a day to ensure my mother’s wellbeing, you have consulted with her GP …. managed and prompted her medication … dealt with laundry … prepared food … escorted her to and from your Day Care and bathing service … given advice and helped complete official forms. Throughout there has been a continuous communication and flow of information keeping us informed and up to date with developments. You could hardly have done more both for her welfare and my peace of mind during the time she has been in your care.
I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending your charity to anyone who requires a caring, professional and well administered organization which is staffed by people who really do care and understand.”
From a referral agent:
“This gentleman is very grateful for all you have done already and most impressed with the very quick response he received. I too am very grateful to you. It has made me happy that I’ve been able to put this gentleman in touch with an organization that can make – and already is making – a real difference to his life. Thank you ever so much.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home:
“Thank you for your most valuable service that stops my mother thinking she has to juggle a wheeled frame and a vacuum cleaner, it has removed a degree of stress from all our lives!”
From Social Services:
“Thank you for your very detailed email and telephone call yesterday. It really does help when we can work collaboratively to maintain people at home and I very much appreciate the support that we receive from you.”
Wednesdays have become the most enjoyable day of the week as I visit Cliff House for lunch with the group. I now realise that this interaction has been of immense benefit in saving me from becoming withdrawn, which was happening following the medical diagnosis. A big benefit to me is that I can live at home by myself and do not have to go into a nursing home, which I would have had to do before you became involved. Once again many thanks to you and all your team members who have made such a difference in my life.”
From family of lady using Lunch Clubs, Support at Home and Bathing Service:
“I am writing to thank you and all your staff for all the kindness and care shown to my Mum over the last few years. She really loved coming to the Day Centre and was also grateful for help with hospital visits. She was very fond of the support worker who visited her and the “bath lady” she saw every week at Cliff House.
Thank you again, you all really made a difference to Mum’s life.”
From family of lady user of our Lunch Clubs:
“I just wanted to say thank you to everyone at Cliff House for your help and support for my mother. She enjoyed her lunch clubs with you every week and was always in good spirits when she got home.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home & Shopping Service:
“I just wanted to say thank you to you and all your colleagues … for the amount of advice and support you have provided in the short time since we made initial contact and also thanks for being able to put the care package in place for Mum so quickly. You and your team have been a great help at this difficult time.”
From family looking for care advice:
“We were all arguing as a family about what to do with Dad and his awful memory and getting so upset … thank you for setting us all on the right path.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home, Lunch Clubs & Shopping Service:
“I am so relieved and delighted. My mother enjoys her lunch clubs and shopping trips. I am sure the walks and home visits will make a huge difference to her health and happiness. It is very reassuring for us to see these important things put in place, they will make such a difference. It has been quite a journey to get here, I am very grateful for all your help and efforts.”
“We could not have managed without your help in looking after my Mum … You have developed such a bond with us that it is almost as if you have been part of the family. Your attention and caring have gone above and beyond our wildest expectations.”
From wife of gentleman user of our lunch clubs:
“I would just like to thank you all for the care and support given to us both over the last 6 years or so. I know my husband enjoyed his time with you and the provision of such a service made all the difference at a difficult time. The service and facilities provided at Cliff House are greatly appreciated and are beneficial to both of us. With gratitude.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home:
“It was good to know that Mum was in safe hands on the days I wasn’t there. Many thanks for your efforts in keeping an eye on her … your work and caring attitude has been much appreciated by Mum, myself and the rest of the family.”
From family of lady user of Support at home:
“Many thanks for all your hard work and support in helping Auntie stay in her home.”
From husband of lady with dementia:
“I was at the end of my tether looking after my wife all day and night too with her dementia and Covid etc and then you lot turned up …..Now I get a break twice a week with a little time to do things for myself”
From a lady who had an accident in the High Street:
“I am just writing to thank the lovely ladies who looked after me when I fell on the High Street. I cannot thank you enough for your help and all the people who helped me that day.”
From family of lady user of our Lunch Clubs:
“I would like to say a big thank you for all your support and care. Mum enjoyed her days spent with you all and looked forward to your drivers coming twice a week to pick her up.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home:
“The girls are so kind and Mum was so very lonely before.”
From family of lady user of our lunch clubs:
“On behalf of all the family, I want to say a big thank you for all the care and kindness that you gave my Mum over the many years she came to Cliff House. Without your support, she would not have been able to remain at home with us, we can’t thank you enough.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home:
“Thank you to everyone for the help and support that you give as always and particularly through the last few weeks.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home:
“A very big thank you to you all, Mum could not have managed to stay at home as long as she has without you and your help.”
From a lady helped by our Advice Service:
“Once again, thank you for getting me 1. My pension as a lump sum 2. Half of the tax taken off it and returned by the tax man 3. Rebate from the TV license. I will never forget your kindness.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home:
“I cannot thank you enough for keeping in touch all through my aunts recent deterioration ... I would have had no clue being so far away during all this lockdown business, what was going on with her health if it had not been for you.”
From family of lady with dementia: “Mum was eating nothing and not taking her tablets and I could see she was getting worse. That all changed the day you started looking after her.”
From family of lady user of Support at Home:
“It has really taken a weight off my mind”
From family looking for care advice:
“Such a professional and knowledgeable service ...Thank you”
From family of gentleman user of Support at Home:
“His death would have been such a shock had you not prepared me for it.”
From family looking for care advice:
“Thank you for your expertise and medical knowledge which was invaluable to us as a family trying to wade around the NHS and social service systems.”
From gentleman needing benefits advice:
“I’m getting money each week now thanks to your help. And I didn’t even know I could apply when I own my own house.”
From a couple enjoying our outings:
"My wife and I have enjoyed many visits to the various events you have organized over the last few years. They have been first class, each in their own way."
News & Information

In this section of the website, we will be providing regular updates and information on a range of subjects of interest for older people and their carers and relatives.
We intend to re-open Cliff House in Knaresborough and all our services as soon as potential service users and staff have been fully vaccinated against COVID 19.
As part of our commitment to remain at the heart of, and relevant to, our local community, we welcome any comments or suggestions about future services.
If you have an idea or suggestion as to how to improve the lives of older people and support them to live as independently as possible in their own homes for as long as they wish and most importantly to enjoy later life, please let us know.
Pass any comments or suggestions you may have to and we will respond as soon as possible.
Miranda Armitage OBE DL CHAIR
Charlotte Bromet BA Hons JP Vice Chair
Tony Lawton MA ( Cantab)
Richard Coad FCA
Supporting Cliff House Community Support Services

There are a number of ways you can help us to support more older people.
We receive virtually no statutory funding so have to rely on charging for services and the generosity of local people together with grant making bodies who we apply to. We try to keep client charges as low as possible whilst ensuring the sustainability of the charity and we are always very grateful for donations however large or small throughout the year.
You can donate either by direct mailing with a cheque to the office or by BACS to our current account. It could be for a specific service or a general donation.
For any further information please contact us:-
By mail to: THE CEO, CHCSS, Cliff House, Hilton Lane, Knaresborough, HG5 8BX
Telephone 01423 864956 and ask for the CEO
Other ways to support us include:
- Volunteering, as we have lots of opportunities to do so in areas such as trusteeship, helping in lunch clubs and day care, assisting with shopping or befriending an isolated person face to face or on the telephone.
- Organising fundraising events or activities.
- Leaflet dropping to keep older people informed.
- Offering training opportunities for staff.
- Passing the word on about what we do….. or providing social media support.
- Providing expertise in our advice and information service.
- Working for us. Contact for details of current vacancies.
- Providing feedback and ideas regarding services that might be needed.
Cliff House Community Support Services are most grateful for all donations and grants received during the challenging period of the Covid 19 pandemic.
This support has been invaluable in allowing us to continue to provide much needed support for older people so isolated in their own homes during this time.